Voxformer also features the de-esser with selectable center frequency and threshold. Moreover, Voxformer features two compressors of this type, allowing you to apply either a two-band or a two-stage (serial) vocal compression. You do not have to worry about common ratio and make-up gain controls since they are automatically selected by the advanced compression algorithm while attack and release parameters are stored in a mode preset. Using only a single knob, you can get a tight, open and definitive professional vocal sound with an excellent articulation in no time. The coolest feature of Voxformer is its one-knob vocal compressor.

The "out/in" indicator can now be clicked to trim the output gain knob.Automatic instance labeling implemented (not supported in VST2).Enabled the "asynchronous drawing" window mode on macOS may fix the user interface "lagging".Added Apple Silicon native compatibility.This may change (improve) the sound of previously created projects where plug-in was used. Improved the quality of oversampling filters.User Area (if you obtained a product key from a reseller, you will need to add your existing product key there first), or use the Automatic key download feature of the plug-in itself.If you already purchased this plug-in, to use this version, please visit the Voxengo web site and get a new key at the IMPORTANT: This version has changed its product key format.Version 2.19 includes the following changes: Voxengo Voxformer is a multi-functional vocal channel strip plugin for professional audio production applications, available in AAX, AudioUnit, VST, and VST3 plug-in formats, for macOS and Windows computers. Voxengo Voxformer version 2.19 update is now available for download.